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Event Medical Coverage


What is Event Medical Coverage?

You can't predict when an accident or medical emergency will occur, but you can prepare for one. Our event coverage solution provides first responders for your event who will be on standby to respond if called upon.


Every event is unique, and we will work with you to build a solution that suits the size and scope of your event and, more importantly, your event's budget. 

We've got you covered, from staffing first aid stations to mobile response teams.


What Happens in an Emergency?

If our responders are called upon to render aid, they will perform emergency care to address and manage life-threatening injuries and/or conditions until an ambulance can arrive to transport the injured/unwell person to the hospital. 


Is OMR A Paramedic Service?

No. Only your local ambulance (paramedic) service is legally authorized to perform paramedic-level care and transport emergently to a hospital. OMR can provide the initial emergency care to sustain life and alleviate suffering. OMR staff are trained to recognize when an ambulance is needed and will arrange for the safe and proper transportation of the patient to the necessary facility. The standard level of patient care OMR provides is that of a certified medical first responder (the same type of care provided by many municipal fire departments, industrial first aid services, and search and rescue personnel).


Why Should I Hire OMR for My Event?

Other than the peace of mind that comes with knowing a professional service is on-site to address this need, many insurance providers and provincial liability legislation (e.g., the Occupiers Liability Act) require adequate services to be available on-site to manage emergencies as due diligence on the part of the event organizer.


How do I book OMR for My Event?

Simply call or email us: (613) 532-6331 or

You can also submit a request using the form Contact Us page.

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